openapi: 3.0.3 info: title: 'Gift Voucher Brilliance API' description: 'API for Gift Voucher Brilliance' version: 1.0.0 servers: - url: '' paths: /api/orders: get: summary: 'Return details about the latest orders.' description: '' parameters: - in: query name: page description: 'The page number to return.' example: 10 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'The page number to return.' example: 10 - in: query name: expanded description: 'Expand related values to full objects e.g return all orders with customer details.' example: true required: false schema: type: boolean description: 'Expand related values to full objects e.g return all orders with customer details.' example: true - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '0' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: orderNumber: 5 discountCode: quos discountTotal: '0' total: 56.43 shippingCost: 60.74 orderDate: null numVouchers: 1 customer: 4392 properties: data: type: object example: orderNumber: 5 discountCode: quos discountTotal: '0' total: 56.43 shippingCost: 60.74 orderDate: null numVouchers: 1 customer: 4392 tags: - Order '/api/orders/{order_number}': get: summary: 'Return details about a single order.' description: '' parameters: - in: query name: $order description: 'The order ID of the order to return.' example: laboriosam required: true schema: type: string description: 'The order ID of the order to return.' example: laboriosam - in: query name: expanded description: 'Expand related values to full objects e.g return the order with voucher and customer details.' example: false required: false schema: type: boolean description: 'Expand related values to full objects e.g return the order with voucher and customer details.' example: false - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '0' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: orderNumber: 6 discountCode: ipsa discountTotal: '0' total: 23.69 shippingCost: 69.06 orderDate: null numVouchers: 1 customer: 4393 properties: data: type: object example: orderNumber: 6 discountCode: ipsa discountTotal: '0' total: 23.69 shippingCost: 69.06 orderDate: null numVouchers: 1 customer: 4393 tags: - Order parameters: - in: path name: order_number description: '' example: qui required: true schema: type: string /api/shop: get: summary: 'Return details about the current authenicated shop' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: title: Clockwork url: '' properties: data: type: object example: title: Clockwork url: '' tags: - Shop /api/vouchers-sold: get: summary: 'Return details about the latest vouchers issued.' description: '' parameters: - in: query name: page description: 'The page number to return.' example: 1 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'The page number to return.' example: 1 - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '0' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: code: ifz-000651-000875 description: 'Back, Face & Scalp Massage ' issuedDate: '2024-05-11 02:06:31' validFromDate: '2024-05-11 02:06:31' expiryDate: '2026-02-04 00:00:00' personalisation: to: facilis message: 'Modi voluptatem est enim doloribus ut aut similique. Eius maxime totam officia et exercitationem totam nulla consequatur. Beatae voluptate aut qui.' total: 0.8 paid: 0.8 balance: 29.74 status: Redeemed customerName: 'Amanda Cox' partRedeemable: true delivery: method: Post type: 'Vouchers will be sent via email' cost: 68.28 properties: data: type: object example: code: ifz-000651-000875 description: 'Back, Face & Scalp Massage ' issuedDate: '2024-05-11 02:06:31' validFromDate: '2024-05-11 02:06:31' expiryDate: '2026-02-04 00:00:00' personalisation: to: facilis message: 'Modi voluptatem est enim doloribus ut aut similique. Eius maxime totam officia et exercitationem totam nulla consequatur. Beatae voluptate aut qui.' total: 0.8 paid: 0.8 balance: 29.74 status: Redeemed customerName: 'Amanda Cox' partRedeemable: true delivery: method: Post type: 'Vouchers will be sent via email' cost: 68.28 tags: - Voucher '/api/vouchers-sold/{code_voucher_id}': get: summary: 'Return details about a single voucher.' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '0' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: code: ooq-000194-000501 description: 'Monetary Vouchers
To the value of £50.00' issuedDate: '2024-06-12 01:49:29' validFromDate: '2024-06-12 01:49:29' expiryDate: '2026-01-04 00:00:00' personalisation: to: deserunt message: 'At fugit odio at voluptas excepturi molestiae. Esse qui consectetur est.' total: 93.31 paid: 93.31 balance: 54.63 status: Redeemed customerName: 'Dale Butler' partRedeemable: false delivery: method: Post type: 'Gift Box Signed 1st class ' cost: 97.42 properties: data: type: object example: code: ooq-000194-000501 description: 'Monetary Vouchers
To the value of £50.00' issuedDate: '2024-06-12 01:49:29' validFromDate: '2024-06-12 01:49:29' expiryDate: '2026-01-04 00:00:00' personalisation: to: deserunt message: 'At fugit odio at voluptas excepturi molestiae. Esse qui consectetur est.' total: 93.31 paid: 93.31 balance: 54.63 status: Redeemed customerName: 'Dale Butler' partRedeemable: false delivery: method: Post type: 'Gift Box Signed 1st class ' cost: 97.42 tags: - Voucher parameters: - in: path name: code_voucher_id description: 'The ID of the code voucher.' example: labore required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: code description: 'The code of the voucher to return.' example: vel required: true schema: type: string '/api/voucher/{code_voucher_id}/redeem': post: summary: 'Redeem a voucher.' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: 200: description: '0' content: application/json: schema: type: object example: data: code: pva-000123-000459 description: 'Monetary Vouchers
To the value of £50.00' issuedDate: '2024-03-10 03:07:12' validFromDate: '2024-03-10 03:07:12' expiryDate: '2025-08-30 00:00:00' personalisation: to: aliquid message: 'Aliquid fuga perspiciatis non rerum fugit qui. At fuga quos a quos est. Eum esse est dignissimos. Eum nihil amet deserunt ipsa labore hic molestias.' total: 6.5 paid: 6.5 balance: 72.42 status: Unredeemed customerName: 'Hannah Parker' partRedeemable: false delivery: method: Post type: 'Envelope Standard 1st class' cost: 3.68 properties: data: type: object example: code: pva-000123-000459 description: 'Monetary Vouchers
To the value of £50.00' issuedDate: '2024-03-10 03:07:12' validFromDate: '2024-03-10 03:07:12' expiryDate: '2025-08-30 00:00:00' personalisation: to: aliquid message: 'Aliquid fuga perspiciatis non rerum fugit qui. At fuga quos a quos est. Eum esse est dignissimos. Eum nihil amet deserunt ipsa labore hic molestias.' total: 6.5 paid: 6.5 balance: 72.42 status: Unredeemed customerName: 'Hannah Parker' partRedeemable: false delivery: method: Post type: 'Envelope Standard 1st class' cost: 3.68 tags: - Voucher requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: amount: type: integer description: 'If the voucher has partRedeemable set to true then you can pass this value. It should be an amount equal or less than the balance of the voucher. The value provided must be of smallest monetary unit of the currency used (integer) e.g £10.43 => 1043.' example: 7 parameters: - in: path name: code_voucher_id description: 'The ID of the code voucher.' example: enim required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: code description: 'The code of the voucher to be redeemed.' example: voluptate required: true schema: type: string tags: - name: Order description: '' - name: Shop description: "\nEndpoints for getting information about the current shop which is decided via the API Token used." - name: Voucher description: '' components: securitySchemes: default: type: http scheme: bearer description: '' security: - default: []